Should I buy or just hold?

Over the past year, I started investing in stocks and put a decent amount of money into them (probably 1/3 of my total savings are in stocks right now).

I was new and I made some mistakes such as buying stocks at an all time high in hopes that they'd continue rising and putting in money on unreliable individual stocks that people were bullish on.

My overall portfolio is down 30 percent and continues to decline with the world state right now. Part of me thinks it's a great opportunity to buy more stocks down to reduce the average price that I bought them for. The other part of me thinks that these stocks haven't been great for a year, they're on the risky end too, so what's to say that they will recover at all?

At this point, should I just hold or buy at low prices? Or should I buy, but buy other stocks/ETFs that are more reliable (e.g., VTI, VOO, Microsoft, etc.)?

Financially, I'm in a good situation, but I also don't want to lose much more money and burn through a lot more savings.


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