SPXS, or any chance of a hedge at all at this point?

As the title says. Is it too late for a hedge?

This was a big year for me at work pay wise. I opened 3 coverdells and immediately went full Boglehead.

Similar in IRA. I have about 60% in cash right now because, we’ll, I guess I just lacked conviction going all in. Kind of glad I did.

In any case, my immature side (or the side that says I want to make a play that nets me money in any condition) says VIX calls, Index puts, etc are too late. My mature side said my hedge was staying in cash, and simply waiting to redeploy it.

Anybody still have yet to hedge this global event that still has plans on the table?

Or conversely, is anybody currently in a hedge plan that is not fully unfolded with positions they’ve yet to take.

Just curious. I’ve learned a shit ton in 24 hours.

Apparently there is a God lurking around here that loaded up on Index outs, shorted the ruble, and bought VIX calls. Posted it 12 days ago, but said he did it weeks ago. Just wow.


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