401k Allocation Change Needed?

Hello all, how are all of you doing? I have already posted in the Bogleheads sub but i would like to hear the suggestions from this sub as well in regards to my current 401k allocation. I will be providing important details pertaining to my 401K's asset allocation for your convenience.

I am 33 years old. I have a Roth 401(k) through work getting the full company match with an 8% rate. FYI, rather than managing myself, I am enrolled in Professional Management which is Alight Financial Advisors and they make the investment choices for me. Hence, I am paying a small amount of fees. Anyways, the distribution looks like this:

Asset Class Current Mix
Balanced – HISP (My company's saving plan) Balanced 9%
Bond – HISP U.S. Fixed Income 7%
Large U.S. Equity – HISP U.S. Large Cap Equity Fund 35%
Mid U.S.Equity – HISP U.S. Small-Mid Cap Equity Fund 19%
International – HISP Developed International Equity Fund 22%
Emerging Markets HISP Emerging Markets Equity 8%
Stock – HISP Huntington Ingalls Stock 0% Alight didn't put any funds into the stock

I am also providing the fund performance for each investment type:

Asset Class Average Annual Return
Balanced 1Y 17.68%; 3Y 3.34%; 5Y 8.42%
Bond 1Y 7.24%; 3Y -2.16%;  5Y -9.00%
Large U.S. Equity 1Y 27.05%; 3Y 9.32%; 5Y 15.84%
Mid U.S. Equity 1Y 20.84%; 3Y 0.18%; 5Y 11.11%
International 1Y 19.81%; 3Y 4.49%; 5Y 8.88%
Emerging Markets 1Y 13.87%; 3Y -3.50%; 5Y 4.42%
Stock 1Y 30.65%; 3Y 13.56%; 5Y 8.38%

Expense ratios for all the funds are below:

Asset Class Expense Ratios
Balanced 0.11%
Bond 0.08%
Large U.S. Equity 0.07%
Mid U.S. Equity 0.08%
International 0.10%
Emerging Markets 0.14%
Stock 0.10%

Portfolio Details:

2024 Return – 12.28%

As of Sep 13, 2024

|Opening Balance|$29,491.21|
|Gain|+ $4,300.24|
|Other Activity|+ $9,391.32|
|Closing Balance|$43,182.77|

Now that I provided all the details, my burning questions are following:

  • Should I make any changes to the allocation or it looks fine? Maybe put 100% funds into the Large U.S. Equity? Or Better diversify across all types of funds?
  • Going over many reddit posts and youtube videos, it is recommend to have almost 100% invested into the equity and 5% to the bond or maybe not all to the bond. And what is your opinion about not putting money at all into the International equity fund? Feeling like I am answering my own questions haha.
  • Last but not least, should I keep Alight managing this allocation or start managing it myself to avoid the fees?

Advanced apologies for asking any stupid questions lol as I am new in this territory. Please let me know if you need any clarifications. I'll do my best to respond to it. Thanks and looking forward to hearing you soon.


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