40% cash waiting patiently for sp500 3300.

My prediction is we'll see sp500 go to 3400 in the next 3 months and possible hit 3000 or less.

My opinion is most people should be at least 40% to 70% cash.

Think about it. You have a $100k portfolio and you're 25.

So the market sells off to 3000.

You go in at 3000 with $100k and wait and in a year or two the market eventually gets back to 4000.

Then you sell and take a $35000 profit and it's all good.

Can you make $35k working a second job at McDonald's?

Probably not.

So I am excited about the upcoming few months.

I WOULD NOT be 100% invested no way and no how in these upcoming months. But that's just my opinion.

Smart people hold cash and buy in after big collapses and that's exactly what all the hedge funds and smart money are doing right now.

Gene Munster, a big tech bull said the other day that he's “45% cash” right now.

Gene is smart and knows what's gonna happen.

Good luck all and let's make some dough this year!


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