10-2 year treasury yield curve first time positive since 5th July 2022

In advance: I know that predicting the market is impossible. Just want to point out that (almost) every single time the 10-2 year yield curve went negative (for example 1980, 1982, 2001, 2008, “2020”) a recession occured after it showed an positive upwards trend. Of course the market changes and, as mentioned, is unpredictable. Maybe everything goes smoothly and nothing happens, maybe not. From my point of perspective Americas macroeconomics are a little worrying in some areas, but only time will tell.

Nonetheless, what's your view on this? Don't care and carry on, or is there more behind it? I won't neccessarily change my trading strategy, but I might reduce my overall investment per week so I get to spend more during lower prices.

Here's a yield chart if you're curious: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/T10Y2Y


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